Are you looking to do something different ?
Find out more about yourself ?
Can you commit that you will find yourself at the Everest Base Camp on International Yoga Day - 21st June 2019?
If you are one of those adventurous spirit that have done this kind of trek before or even if this is your first trek ever in your entire life, come and explore this once in a lifetime opportunity. This is going to be a life changing experience for all the 300 participants.
Yes, 300 participants!
300 participants will be trained by Grandmaster Akshar, founder and Chairman of Akshar Yoga. Just like the 300 spartans who can defeat a strong army, these 300 Yogis and Yoginis trained and equipped by Grandmaster Akshar will spread the awareness of health and happiness. We will unfurl the flag of peace at the Everest Base Camp, perform and spread the message of Yoga on International Yoga Day 2019.
If you are still unsure, and boy , I know all about being unsure, hear me out. I was unsure when I left my corporate job. I was unsure how I am going to run my Yoga Studio. I was unsure before I walked on fire. I was unsure when I jumped into the Mediterranean sea for deep sea diving. I was scared about not knowing where my life is heading and what I am going to do next.
The only difference is that I just went ahead and did it regardless of how unsure or scared I was. I felt the fear but I didn’t allow it to stop me. The moment I just let all these thoughts flow out of me and centred myself, I knew what to do.
Take a deep breathe. Just breathe.
I now know that I want to make the best use of my time. I want to be part of experiences that will shape me, helped me know who I am better than I did yesterday.
One of the recent experience that shaped me was my 10 days spiritual trip to the Himalayas. I organised the event and also participated in it. The organising of the event gave me a completely different understanding of how business works. Being a participant in the event gave me the understanding how very important it is to incorporate spirituality in everything that we do. Whether you are a working professional or a businessmen/women, if you haven’t started it yet, start your spiritual journey today. It will take your life to the next level as it did mine. The more I know about things I am starting to realise how little I know.
This whole concept of going to Everest Base Camp was conceptualised during this spiritual trip by Grandmaster Akshar. I have immense respect for my Guru and what he has taught me so far. I continue to live life under his guidance and the blessings of all my Gurus from the Himalayas.
So, what are you waiting for my friends. If you are ready to step up in your life, I say GO FOR IT !!
If you want to participate in the Everest Base Camp trek, you can drop a message here on my blog with your email address and I will reply to you with all the details.
Love you all.
Until next time ! Ciao!
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