Why corporate Yoga, you may ask and what value will it bring it to my organisation ?
Did you know that Absenteeism caused by stress related illnesses already costs the
Global Corporate World Billions of Dollars each year and it's steadily increasing year on
I am Rebecca. I am a Master level Yoga teacher.
I teach Yoga in my studio and I have trained multiple Yoga teacher aspirants.
Before starting to teach Yoga professionally, I worked in different Global Corporations in
various roles, the last couple of them being in leadership roles. Each of the different roles
that I participated in over the years in corporate world brought it's own different demands
of my time and effort and I saw how it can lead to a stressful state of mind. Stress is
unseen and usually piles up over a period of time and a slight (often unrelated) trigger
can unleash some unfortunate effects in our day-to-day life. We may not even notice as
this stress builds up. It should also be noted it comes under many guises from a variety ofsources.
Stress built up over a long period of time can lead to many health related
issues. I took up Yoga whilst I was still working in my corporate roles and I saw how it
dramatically changed the way I was able to think and feel, eventually making me a
happier and more relaxed person. This happier person was able to do a lot more at work,
deal more effectively with difficult situations and not let its effects be felt. It also had a
huge impact on the productivity and effectiveness of my teams and the way I led the
teams too.
I have seen first hand how Yoga can uplift a person from identifying just physically, to
learning the complex changes of the mind eventually becoming more aware of
themselves and the people around them making them a more conscious person.
So what are you waiting for ? Join a Yoga Class and move towards a healthier and happier life.
Love you all !
Until next time. Ciao.
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